专业代码: 085224 学科门类:工学(08)
Code of Specialty: 085224 Department of Discipline: Engineering (08)
一级学科:安全科学与工程 学分要求: 32
First-grade Discipline: Safety Science and Engineering Credit Setting: 32
一、学科、专业简介 (Disciplines Instruction)
VSport体育在线官网安全工程专业始建于2001年,并于2002开始招收本科生,是学校重点建设专业。于2006年取得“安全技术及工程”二级学科硕士学位授予权,于2010年招收和培养工程硕士,于2011年取得“安全科学与工程”一级学科硕士学位授予权,于2013年取得“安全与环境功能材料”二级博士点 。目前设有一个“安全工程”专业教研室和“化工过程安全中心”及“现代安全管理与技术发展中心”两个研究机构。本学科拥有青岛市化工火灾预防与安全重点实验室、青岛市海洋环境腐蚀与安全防护工程研究中心、山东省海洋环境腐蚀与安全防护工程研究中心、山东省重点行业领域事故防范技术研究中心(危险化学品)等科研平台,拥有中央与地方共建项目“化工安全与环境特色实验室”、中央财政支持地方高校建设项目“化工过程安全与污染控制实验室”和山东省高等学校骨干团队建设项目“环境与安全教学实验中心”等实验实践教学平台。安全工程专业现有专业教师27名,其中博士生导师3名,教授8名,副教授12名,20人具有博士学位。目前本科生在校生人数360人,硕士研究生在校人数100多人。本学科研究生毕业后进入政府安监部门、各类生产企业、安全评价公司、设计院或学校从事安全领域相关的工程、管理、教学、科研、咨询服务等工作,部分员工继续攻读博士学位。
The major of safety engineering was set up in Qingdao University of Science and Technology (QUST) in 2002, which is the key subject of QUST. The grant authority of master degree in safety technology and engineering for grade II science division was achieved in 2006. The grant authority of master degree in engineering field was achieved in 2010. Furthermore, the grant authority of master degree in safety science and engineering for grade I science division was achieved in 2011. At the same time, the graduate students can also further their study for doctor degree in chemical safety or material safety fields. At present, the department of safety science and engineering includes the teaching group of safety engineering and two research centers (chemical process safety center and modern safety management and technology development center). This subject has scientific research platforms, including the Key Laboratory of Qingdao Chemical Fire Prevention and Safety, Qingdao Marine Environment Corrosion and Safety Protection Engineering Research Center, Shandong Marine Environment Corrosion and Safety Protection Engineering Research Center, Shandong Province Key Industry Field Accident Prevention Technology Research Center (dangerous chemicals), et al. The discipline has a Central and Local Government Joint Development Project “Special Laboratory for Chemical Safety and Environment”, a Central Government Supporting Local University Built Project “Laboratory for Chemical Process Safety and Pollution Control” and a Shandong University Key Discipline Project “Teaching Experimental Center for Environment and Safety”. There are 27 teachers including 3 Ph.D. supervisors, 8 professors, 12 associate professors. Among them, 20 teachers have doctor degree. The number of undergraduates and post-graduates studying now is 360 and 100 respectively. Most of the post-graduates have joined government safety supervision department, various enterprises, companies of safety evaluation, designing institutes, universities or colleges and other organizations to conduct the various work about safety such as engineering, management, teaching, studying and technology service. Additionally, some post-graduates pursue doctor degree after graduation to polish their ability in the major of safety.
In recent years, with the strong support of the central, local and school, the science of safety engineering in our school has developed rapidly in the construction of soft and hardware such as teachers and laboratory conditions, ensuring the steady improvement of the teaching level of safety engineering. On this basis, teachers should be encouraged to carry out scientific research work so as to create a good academic platform for postgraduate training. The discipline of safety engineering in our school has gradually formed five stable research directions: fire dynamics evolution and accident simulation; chemical process safety; chemical safety materials; safety risk management; technology and management of chemical waste safety disposal.
The major of safety engineering has a strong interdisciplinary nature. The security major of our school is developed with its advantages (Chemistry, chemical and material). It has a good research foundation. It has a strong potential in the development of personnel training, scientific research and the security problems facing the development of local economy. A number of research results. In the last 5 years, there are 15 national projects, 12 provincial and ministerial projects and a number of enterprise entrustment projects; 5 publications and 240 articles, including more than 120 articles SCI and EI; 12 provincial scientific and technological awards and 22 national patents, and 3 items of excellent practice achievement award for Shandong Professional Degree Graduate Students.
二、培养目标(Objectives of Training)
1. 拥护中国共产党的领导,热爱祖国,遵纪守法,具有服务国家和人民的高度社会责任感、良好的职业道德和创业精神、科学严谨和求真务实的学习态度和工作作风,身心健康。具有较强的安全意识,德、智、体全面发展。
To support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, love the motherland, abide by the law, have a high sense of social responsibility for the country and the people, good professional ethics and entrepreneurial spirit, scientific and rigorous and realistic learning attitude and work style, and physical and mental health. With a strong sense of safety, moral, intellectual and physical development in an all-round way.
2. 掌握安全工程专业领域坚实的基础理论和宽广的专业知识,熟悉安全工程行业领域的相关规范,在安全工程领域的某一方向具有独立担负工程规划、工程设计、工程实施、工程研究、工程开发、工程管理等专门技术工作的能力,具有良好的职业素养。
Master the solid basic theory and broad professional knowledge in the field of safety engineering, and be familiar with the relevant specifications in the field of safety engineering. In a certain direction of the field of safety engineering, it has the ability to independently undertake the technical work of engineering planning, engineering design, engineering implementation, engineering research, engineering development, engineering management and so on. It has good professional quality.
3. 掌握一门外语,具备良好的国内外学术交流能力,能熟练使用外语阅读专业书籍、查阅文献并撰写论文。
Mastering a foreign language, having good academic communication skills at home and abroad, proficient in using foreign language reading professional books, consulting literature and writing papers.
三、学制及学习年限(Educational System and Length of Schooling)
Master's degree students in safety engineering can adopt two learning methods, full time and part-time. The full-time professional master's academic system is 2-3 years, the credit system is carried out, the longest training period is 5 years, and the course study time is not more than 1 years, and the effective period is 5 years. The academic system of the part-time professional master is 3-4 years, the credit system is carried out, the longest training period is 6 years, and the time of course study is not more than 1 years, and the effective period is 6 years.
The credit system is adopted in studying the postgraduate courses. The full-time schooling postgraduates must complete the courses of ≥30 credits including the degree courses of ≥18 credits (obligatory courses such as political theory, foreign language, mathematics and specialized courses) and none degree courses of ≥6 credits. The research section is 6 credits.
四、研究方向(Research Orientation)
序号 Num |
名 称 Name |
研究方向及特点 The Research Orientation and characteristic |
1 |
火灾动力学演化及事故模拟 Fire Dynamics Evolution and Accidents Simulation |
该方向是安全科学与工程领域重要的研究方向之一。该方向在化工火灾动力学过程及模拟、化学化工事故模拟、危险化学品热灾害及评价等方面具有特色和优势。 This orientation is one of the important research fields in safety science and engineering. The main advantages and characteristics are to explore the process and mechanisms of chemical fire dynamics and simulation, to model the chemical accidents, to understand the chemical thermal hazard and assessment.
2 |
化工过程安全 Chemical Process Safety |
重点开展化工过程本质安全理论及应用、化工设备安全技术、基于非常态机理模型的过程故障诊断等方面的研究。 The main research fields are concentrated on the inherent safety theory and application of chemical process, safety technology of chemical equipment, process faults diagnosis based on the abnormal states mechanism models. |
3 |
化工安全材料 Chemical Safety Materials |
主要侧重化工设备的腐蚀与防护、安全热控涂层材料、阻燃聚合物材料等方面的研究。 The focus of this research field is to study the chemical equipment corrosion mechanisms and protection, thermal controlled safety coating materials and the development of flame retarded materials.
4 |
安全风险管理 Safety Risk Management |
在化工能源安全风险管理、化工安全风险评估与控制、化工安全标准的制定及方法学研究等方面形成了自己的特色。 The characteristics of this research field are typical in studying the chemical resource safety risk management, chemical safety risk assessment and control, chemical safety standards.
5 |
化工废物安全处置技术与管理 Safety Disposal Technology and Management of Chemical Waste |
本方向以化工生产过程产生的具有较大潜在危害性的液态、固态及气态废物为对象,研究其安全处置技术与管理方法,解决化工废物无害化及资源化中的技术与管理问题。 In this research field, the disposal technologies and the management methods for those hazardous liquid, solid and gaseous wastes from chemical production are focused to deal with the problems in the decontamination and resource process of various wastes.
五、课程设置(Course Setting)
安全工程 学科专业学位研究生课程设置
(Course Setting of Master Disciplines for Safety Engineering )
课程 类别 Course Type |
课程 编号 Course NO |
课程名称 Course Name |
课堂 学时 Class Hour |
学分 Credit |
开课 学期 Semester Classes |
教学 方式 Teaching Method |
考核 方式 Assessing Method |
开课 单位 Class Department |
备 注 Remarks |
学 位 课 Degree Course
公共基础课Common Course |
G000042 |
中国特色社会主义理论与实践研究 Research Chinesecharacteristics |
40 |
2 |
I |
A |
A |
马克思主义学院 |
必修Obligatory Courses |
G000052 |
综合英语(含16学时视听) Comprehensive English(I,Contains 16 classes of audio-visual) |
64 |
2 |
I |
A |
A |
外国语学院 |
必修Obligatory Courses |
G000053 |
通用学术英语(II) General Academic English(II) |
32 |
2 |
II |
A |
A |
外国语学院 |
必修Obligatory Courses |
G000019 |
数值分析 Numerical Analysis Numerical Analysis |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
A |
数理 公司 |
G000020 |
应用统计 Application of Statistics |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
A |
数理 公司 |
G000056 |
工程伦理 Engineering Ethics |
32 |
1 |
I |
A |
A |
工程硕士必修 |
专业基础课Specialized Course |
M100100 |
化工传递过程 Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
A |
VSport体育在线官网 |
M100019 |
化工过程本质安全及防护Inherent safety of chemical process and protection
32 |
2 |
II |
A |
A |
M100009 |
安全评价 Safety Assessment |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
A |
M100020 |
功能材料及安全工程 Function material and safety engineering |
32 |
2 |
II |
A |
A |
选 修 课 Selective Course |
G000040 |
自然辩证法概论 Natural Dialectics |
18 |
1 |
I |
A |
A |
马克思主义学院 |
必选 |
G000054 |
体育 Physical Education |
16 |
1 |
I |
D |
F |
体育学院 |
必选 |
G000055 |
口语 Spoken Language |
16 |
1 |
I |
A |
E |
外国语学院 |
必选 |
G000005 |
知识产权 Intellectual Property
16 |
1 |
I |
A |
A |
法学院 |
M100104 |
计算机在安全中的应用 Computer-aided Process Safety Engineering |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
C |
M100098 |
特种化学品安全技术 Safety Technology of Hazardous Chemicals |
32 |
2 |
II |
A |
A |
M100068 |
事故案例分析 Accident Cases Analysis |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
A |
M100112 |
计算机辅助HAZOP分析技术 |
32 |
2 |
II |
A+E |
0.5C+0.5D |
M100008 |
安全风险管理 Safety Risk Management |
32 |
2 |
I |
A |
A |
M100018 |
危险废物安全管理与处置技术 Safety management and disposal technologies for hazardous wastes |
32 |
2 |
II |
A |
A |
研究环节 |
M100002 |
开题报告 Thesis Proposal |
1 |
II |
M100005 |
中期考核 Medium-term Assessment |
1 |
M100027 |
专业实践 Professional Practice |
2 |
M100026 |
学位论文 Dissertation |
4 |
补修 课程 Make-up Course |
可根据导师要求补修,不计入学分 Patching in order to mentor 's requirement,Not includedincluded in the credit |
注 1.教学方式代码:A—课堂讲授,B—学术研讨,C—专题报告,D—实践,E—其他;例:0.7A+0.3B Notes1. Teaching method codes: A—lecturing in class B—Academic discussion, C—subjective report, D—practice,E—others; e.g.: 0.7A+0.3B |
注2.考核方式代码:A—闭卷笔试,B—开卷笔试,C—课程论文,D—平时作业,E—口试,F—其他;例:0.8A+0.2D Notes2 Examining method codes: A—written exam with closed paper, B—written exam with opened paper, C—Class paper, D—ordinarily assignment, E—oral test ,F—others;e.g.: 0.8A+0.2D |
六、论文的要求(Dissertation Requirements)
1. 学术论文
1. Academic Paper
When applying for a degree, full-time graduate students are required to publish 1 academic papers related to their academic papers in EI and their above public publications (Qingdao University of Science and Technology is the first signatory; the first author is the student and the tutor is the correspondent author, or the second author is the student and the first author is the tutor), or 1 of the authorizing country's invention patents.
2. 学位论文
2. Degree Dissertation
The selected title of the degree dissertation may come from actual production or has a specific engineering background and application value, which may be a complete engineering technology project or research including design project or technical reconstruction project. The dissertation may also involve the development of new process, new equipment, new material or new production. The dissertation should reveal the depth of technology, technology advantages and requirement of amount of work. In the dissertation, the ability to solve the engineering problems can also be reflected.
The dissertation can be guided by two supervisors and completed by the student independently. The completed dissertation should be checked first by a leader team composed of experts in engineering fields after the check and the admission of the supervisor.
Prior to thesis oral defense, the thesis must be subjected to an assessment made by two experts majoring in safety science and engineering. Thesis defense committee composed of the experts hosts the proceedings. Approved by the university appraisal committee, the master degree will be conferred on those students who pass the thesis oral defense
3. 专业实践
3. Professional Practice
Professional practice is an important step in obtaining practical experience and improving practical ability for graduate students of safety engineering degree. Graduate students in safety engineering degree can carry out professional practice through the combination of centralized practice and piecewise practice. The professional practice time of the graduate student of safety engineering with 2 years or above is not less than 6 months, and the practice time of the graduate student of safety engineering degree, which does not have the experience of the enterprise, is not less than 1 years. The full-time professional practice of safety engineering degree can be carried out in conjunction with its own post tasks.
研究生处处长: 主管副董事长:
Dean of College Director of Postgraduate Office Vice President